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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ISSE Show, Long Beach California

I'm back from Long Beach!! What an amazing trip! Sat-half of Monday was not long enough! The weather was  cooler than what I expected and rained a little on I can't complain! We came back to Kansas where a nice little blizzard was forming. And I don't mean Blizzard like Dairy Queen...I mean, KS looks like Narnia type of thing. Man is the weather CRAP here, lol. Not to mention I got a sore throat and developed strep throat my wknd in LA, but avast!! That did not stop me!! I had my water and trusty orange juice with me at all times. :)

We arrived in LAX about 10:30 that morning.

There be Michael (who won FIRST PLACE in the country for the Sassoon Student Cut and Color Competition! GO MICHAEL!), me, and Cat outside the airport waiting for our shuttle. I have to say, I do love Cali, but not so much Long Beach. It was very industrial and kinda stinky, lol. I would love to make a trip back someday and stay longer and see the sights! :)

We shopped a little bit that afternoon before checking into our hotel which was directly next door to the convention center. That night we had the Sassoon and Nuts and Bolts Recognition Ceremony with head of the NaB program Jim Yates and the International Education Director of Sassoon, Mr. Stephen Moody. We were given a certificate for being the top in the country. :)

The Eric Fisher Academy Nominees at the Recognition Ceremony. :)

Us with our kick ass Nuts and Bolts Instructor Mel with Jim Yates on the Red Carpet after the ceremony.

Me and Stephen Moody from Sassoon at their booth. I was so excited and honored to meet him! And nabbed a copy of Vidal Sassoon's new autobiography that isn't available in the US! :)

The next day was the first day we were able to go to the convention center and get into the show. Can I just say how HUGE it was and how AMAZING it was with all the vendors and amazing people in the business you wouldn't get a change to meet anywhere else! I am in awe of the hair gods, and can only work my ass off as hard as these people to be as good as them someday.

Us outside the convention center with out NaB cute. lol.

 Michael O'Rourke: Owner of Michael O'Rourke product line and Big Sexy products.

Nick Arrojo from TLC's What Not to Wear. One of my instructor's from EFA used to work for him.

Me and Nick!! What a super sweet man. He was so nice and I think he was getting ready to do something but nice enough to stop and talk to me and get a picture with him. Amazing!!!

Me and Stephen Moody, the International Education Director of Sassoon, from London. AWESOME!!! I cannot WAIT to go to the Sassoon Academy in London!!

Me and Kim Vo! What a sweetheart! He had just arrived and getting ready to go to his booth and I saw him and Mel told me to go over and just ask for a picture because I would never have another opportunity like this. She was right. :) He was in a hurry, but super sweet and let us get pictures with him! Thanks Kim, and Stephen and Nick!

Such an AMAZING AMAZING day!! Tabatha Coffey was going a meet and greet the day we were leaving but we weren't able to meet her because we had to catch our flight. :( However, I did buy her book It's Not Really About the Hair which I STRONGLY advise you to get your hands on! Its an easy read, funny, and I love it! So anywho, back to Saturday.....

We had the Sassoon Academy cut and color demo with Mark Hayes, the International Creative Director from London, along with the amazing Sassoon team, Jeremy, Tina, Sally and all the others! After the demo was a runway show featuring the looks they had done for the new Spring Summer 2011 collection.

 Mark Hayes.

Then after the show, we had to make like a bread truck and haul buns back to our rooms to change to get ready for the Nuts and Bolts and Sassoon Award Ceremony!

Jim Yates, Stephen Moody and the lady from Wella...I can't remember her name.

Cat and I didn't win. :( But the disappointment only lingered for a few moments!

 EFA Nominees all dressed up at the Award Ceremony!

 Mel was WAY excited when they announced Michael had won 1st place in the Sassoon Cut and Color Competition!
 *insert really loud high pitched girlie screams here*

 Sorry the pic is so blurry, my camera didn't like that screen!!

Mel getting her award for being the amazing instructor and Michael with Mark from Sassoon! He won cash, a year's supply worth of products, Wella color class and a cutting course the Sassoon Academy in London!!

After an amazing day AND night, it was time to get the heck out of our high heels and into some cute comfy party clothes and go out and celebrate!

 Me and Mel being silly for the camera. :P

 Cat and Michael
Me and Melba again. :)

There are many many MANY more pictures, but this is all for now. If you are interested in the rest from the Show, they are on Facebook. Thank you so much to EFA for providing us with an amazing trip and for an amazing teacher to tag along with us. :D We are all extremely honored and excited to be a part of this elite group and had a kick ass time! We didn't go home empty-handed. We are all winners. I'm so incredibly lucky and blessed to have opportunities like this in my life that other hairdressers and makeup artists don't get. I love this industry and can't wait to see what it has in store for me. Or rather, what I have in store for IT.

"Dream big. Leave it to others-whether it's your sworn enemy or your mother-to tell you something can't be done. If you have a dream, supersize it. It's healthier than a Happy Meal and doesn't cost you anything. Go after your dream like it's the biggest deal you have ever seen and treat it like a monster to be tamed." -Tabatha Coffey

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