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Friday, January 28, 2011

Take It Off!!

Well, I finally did it. I can't believe I did, but I did. I cut my hair short!! I think there's about 6-8 inches of me, However, I LOVE it!!! I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it, but I'm getting used to it and playing around with my new style. :) For those of you that don't know, I haven't had short hair since the 5th grade...and it was AWFUL. I've been scared to cut it ever since. (Almost like when you love a name so much, and then you meet that jerk that totally ruins it so you can't name your future children, only not as drastic). Here are the before and afters--I promise I will get a better non-webcam After picture as soon as my batteries are charged up again! Thank you SO much to my little bro I never had, Aaron Rogers for giving me this amazing new do! You are amazing and I love ya!

BEFORE (same one Suzie took of me on Sunday since it's the most recent one I have, lol)

AFTER! Although I do miss my long locks and something to touch and play with (I never realized how much I play with my hair until it's all gone!), this new style is just what I need before our weekend in LA and before I go back to England! And below, is me and Aaron (yes that's my husband's name, and my older brother's name. And actually, now that I think about it, we should just name all of our kids Aaron, boy or girl. Kinda like George Foreman. :) ). Thanks again little bro!


  1. You are just about the most amazing person I know! Thanks for trusting me with your hair!

  2. Great idea!!! I'd like you to meet my family, Aaron, Aron, Erin, Aeron, and Aryn.
