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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can I get a "Woot! Woot!"

Once I again, it has been way too long since I have updated. But no more it shall be! Why We Wait Photography is being revamped, and if you can imagine, even MORE awesome than before. :) In 3 weeks I will be a graduate of the Eric Fisher Academy in Wichita, KS---the BEST SCHOOL EVER!!! For real, not even joking.

I just finished a really cool paint concept shoot with a girl from school that turned out AWESOME!!! (Thank you Vanessa, you ROCKED it!) You must go look at the site to see (and they're on Facebook as well). This Sunday will be a Ke$ha glitter 'Take It Off' inspired shoot, as well as some pretty kick butt black and white photos. I am freaking STOKED about it! I feel like I am finally coming out of this huge creative box. All these things I have wanted to do, I am now doing. For this shoot, I also did the hair and makeup for, so leave mad props yo. ;) Same will be for the glitter and B&W shoot (and every shoot for the next 3 or so until I go back to England in December.)

I cannot WAIT to be back with my hubby! He has been so amazing and supportive through my schooling and I have learned so much from all my teachers. You guys don't even know. I feel like I am so much more confident in my work, I can achieve more. I'm really hoping this will take me places in the world of fashion, as well as photography. I am absolutely 11010101001% passionate and in LOVE with what I do. I owe it all to EFA and my dear husband. Love you babe!

Here is just a picture from the shoot the other day, you'll have to go to the site to see the rest!! Stand by everyone, more amazing work to come next week!!! :)

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