As if being overwhelmed with shoots and editing and the Marine Corps isn't enough, how about throwing in a move! A really, really, REALLY big move.
Over a month ago my husband reenlisted in the Marines and we are getting ready to PCS (Permanent Change of Station) or ENGLAND this summer! Yup. England. I couldn't believe it either at first.
So after about 2 months worth of paperwork, doctor visits, more paperwork and oh yeah..PAPERWORK, we are finally ready to make the move from lil' old Jacksonville, North Carolina to RAF (Royal Air Force base) Molesworth, England in July.
We'll be back home in Kansas during the month of June to spend time with family, my dog, friends, and of birthday. =)
Once we get to England (oh yeah, did I mention we'll about 2 hours north of London? Yeah..) we'll have 30 days to find a place to live. Don't worry, I'll update as often as I can and of course post pictures. =)
In the meantime here are some pictures from the last shoots I've done here in the "oh-so-amazing-Camp Lejeune". Crystal's Trash the Dress (she's getting divorced so she was up for anything and we pretty much DESTROYED her dress. It was so AWESOME!), Krysta's Deployment, and the Cherry Point Air Show.